Monday, August 9, 2010

The Road To Decapolis

Located east of the Jordan river, rest the cities of Decapolis. Just outside those cities are a set of tombs or graveyard that was the setting for what the gospel of Mark records as an encounter with a man many considered demented and could not be bound with chains.

Mark chapter 5:9-13 tells us that Christ had been traveling by boat across the Sea of Galilee and stopped in this area. As He and His disciples arrived, they were met by a man filled with many demons who called themselves Legion, for they are many. Upon this encounter with Christ, the man is set free from his torment and the demons were driven out and into a heard of swine that had been feeding in a nearby mountain area.

Afterward, the man who had been demon possessed asked to accompany Christ with Him on the boat. Christ refuses the man's request and instead instructs him to go home to his own people and tell them what great things the Lord has done for him. The man leaves and goes to Decapolis, obeying Christ and begins to proclaim the good news of what Christ had done for him, amazing everyone.

Before the meeting with Christ, the man lived in the tombs and was known to gnash himself with stones and was tormented screaming day and night among the tombs and mountains. The condition of the man before this encounter is not a far contrast from the state we were in before Christ called us to Himself, saving us. We were lost, controlled by evil desires, separated from God. But Christ has indeed saved us, and like the man, setting us free.

It is very important to bring attention to the fact that after the man had been set free, his actions that followed. Christ had done something very wonderful for him. With anticipation, the man desired to follow Christ. In doing so, he obeyed Christ when given instruction to go home to his own people and to proclaim what Christ has done for him.

Just like the anticipatio0n of the man, this should be our example, but we should have an even greater zeal to follow Him, knowing that Christ not only is Lord, but that he would lay down His life for us, even while we were sinners. Romans 5:8

Even though, we may not have been delivered from many demons or maybe healed from some terminal illness or ailment, Christ however has indeed saved us. He has saved, what other motivation do we need?

Christ gave the man a command of sort in the instruction to go home and tell what Christ had done for him. Christ has also commanded us, through His Great Commission to,"go into the entire world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15

"The Great Commission is not an option to be considered but a command to be obeyed." Those were the words of the late missionary Hudson Taylor and a firm statement on what Christ has called all believers to. To take this good news to our homes, to our people and communities and to tell others what Christ has done for us.

My friend, the Gospel is good news. Great news in fact. It is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 There are lost people everywhere and it would be a shame that any man, any neighbor of ours would perish without first hearing what Christ had done in our own lives. Recall how Christ changed this man, setting him free! Christ saved him and has done the same for us. Like the demon possessed man, what more motivation does one need?

Starting on August 15, 2010, I will be recording a daily journal as I set out each day in my own Decapolis of Montgomery. I plan to write about those that I share the Law & the Gospel with and what Christ has done for me. It is my desire to use this journal to help me grow in boldness and faith as I practice sharing my faith with others and to glorify my God. Also is is my desire to hopefully be of some encouragement to those that may follow me each day as I write about these encounters and that they may grow as well in boldness and faith and to reach out into their own Decapolis, telling others what Christ has done for them in sharing the Law & the Gospel with those around them.

In all, may God receive all the Glory, for He is King.
Light the darkness~

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