Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 3: In Need of Gas

While out running errands today, my van began making a pinging noise, alerting me that my "gas-aholic" van needed a drink at $2.52 a gallon. Knowing this was coming, but like the thoughtful husband I am, I had hoped I could make it home and let my wife do it later.

However with two kids in the back, the last thing I wanted was to run out of gas and be stranded on the side of the road with a 3 year old reminding me over and over she needed to go potty and a 15 month old that already did.

With that said, I steered toward the nearest gas station and drained my wallet as I filled up my van. As the gas pumped, I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a few tracts to give to a guy pumping gas next to me. As I gave him the tract, I briefly explained to him that it was a gospel tract and had a good message on the back. His only response was a few glances at me and the tract, as if I had given him a speeding ticket.

Back at my van, I placed a tract on the sign over the pump and finished pumping gas and got my receipt and off I went. While this doesn't sound at all exciting and to some not worth mentioning. I mean, where was the open air preaching, where was the one two one conversation, or the discussion on evolution and Darwinism. All it was, was simply one man giving a piece of paper to a stranger with the gospel written on the back, which Romans 1:16 tells us that the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.

And also trusting in God's word that whatever God's says will not come back void, always accomplishing what He desires and without succeeding in the matter in which God sends it . Isaiah 55:11

That tract also can go places I can't. If the guy were to take it home and lay it down, possibly someone else could read it and God could use it to draw them to Himself, saving them. Or the guy I handed it to, could read it, see his need for a Savior and place his trust in Christ.

Then repent of all his sins and be so overwhelmed with gratitude that God, the Creator of the universe would go to such great lengths to save him by sending His Son to die in his place, that he gets some tracts himself and goes out witnessing sharing the good news. How great would that be!

As simple as today was, as I mentioned, it was nothing spectacular by some degrees, but seriously, that one tract could possibly be used to save someone. You don't always have to go witnessing per-say or need a special even to practice witnessing. The best practice comes in our every day lives, going to the store, work, school, or simply pumping gas.

Below is a short and fun video I saw on passing out tracts and how easy passing out tracts truly are. I hope you enjoy it and that it brings some encouragement to you.

I look forward to Day 4 of this journal and hope that you are encouraged by this journal as I have been with the opportunities given to share such good news.

Lighting the darkness~



Cartoon by Richard Gunther

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