Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 4: Let Me Live

Today offered one opportunity to share the gospel that made my heart sink and become angry at how the power of sin and how it destroys life.

I had been out only once today and didn't get the chance to witness, so I was anticipating the telemarketers that call to offer a great deals to eliminate my debt so that I could share with them much the same thing, if you you get me.

However to prove that God is the one who gives opportunities to witness, a different phone call came. It was a parent of a young girl that I knew and shared the gospel with many times. As the parent and I talked, first it was good news and glad to hear from you, then words about the daughter that made my eyes swell and my heart sink.

The parent placed the girl on the phone and our conversation began with good to hear from you and some reflecting on some past memories. Then the news no parent looks to hear to hear. That she was with expecting a child.

She discussed with me the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy, un-married, the father, and fear of bring a child into this world and being unable to care for it.

Careful not to focus simply on the fact that she had done something she should not have been doing, I tried to offer her encouragement on the fact that this child is no mistake. That God's word declares that He has formed this child's inward most parts and knitted this child in the womb and how wonderfully made the child is ~ Psalm 139

She told me that she thought of adoption as an option but was fearful that ten years or so down the road, having a child that hates her because she gave the child up. I assured her that at any point down the road, if that child thinks of it's mother, even if that child is upset over being placed in the care of another family, the joy that, that child has simply to live will over shadow any emotion that may arise. Simply that she chose life and let her daughter or son live.

I offered her ever example or scenario that I could think of that I have learned while standing at abortion clinics in town. That the child at only 21 days after conception has a heartbeat and if it could express to its mother, all it would say would be to, "Let me live, let me live."

As our conversation progressed, my heart continued to be torn to shreds, I had no magic wand or words to just made everything better. I could not imagine what she is going through.

While not trying to ignore the real issue of the situation, she knew what she had done and knew the consequences of it very real. I spoke to her about sin and how each of us have committed numerous crimes/sins against God and have fallen short of God's glory ~ Romans 3:23

That each of us are guilty and in need of a Savior that can only be found in Christ.
Having witnessed to her in previous times, I told her her biggest problem is not being pregnant, but more of a heart issue; that God's ears are tuned to a repentant heart. That every situation is given by God to draw us to Himself. That if we would turn from our sins and repent, He would be our God and we would be His people. He would save us because he loves us.

Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save,or his ear dull, that it cannot hear;but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God,and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear Isaiah 59:1-2

The best I could, I continued to offer her encouragement that as God provided a way for His people to be saved, as He showed in the sending of His Son, He would indeed provide a way for this child. That as this may be a surprise to us, it was not to Him, He knew long before we did the situation concerning the child.

As I mentioned, no magic wand or words to simplify the situation. She is in a tough spot and many young girls out fear, shame, uneducation about abortion make the terrible decision everyday to end the life of their child.

My prayer is that God would use this to save her and her baby and those involved. Plain and simple. She could keep her child, give the child up for adoption or sadly abort it. Without Christ, any decision she makes, still ends her separated from God for eternity in hell.

Please pray for her and her family. I knew it was just a few days before she was to decide on what decision to make. I plan to send this to her and I pray she reads it. If you see fit, share your comments on the bottom as if you were speaking to her.

To my friend, I love you as does God more than you know,your not alone...

Thanks you,

1 comment:

  1. What a privilege to reach out to this young mother in the Name of Jesus. This Jesus is the same God who spoke the world into existence. I speak to you, young mother. Did you know that the Bible tells us that God knew us even BEFORE He formed us in the womb? (Jeremiah 1:5) Yes, it's true! The Lord designed you, He created you & He sustains you even now. Every breath you take, every beat of your heart is a gift from Him. So too, the wee one in your womb. Even though you were sexually immoral, the Bible makes it clear that God has given you this child as His blessing. (Ps 127:3) Your baby is a gift, a reward & an inheritance from the God who created you. Honey, you also have another gift of God. It's called a conscience. It is what God has provided to show you right from wrong. You know that it is wrong to shed the innocent blood of your baby by abortion because the Lord has written His commandment, "You shall not murder" on your heart with His own finger. Now is the time for you to trust the One who holds your life in His hands. Turn away from any evil thoughts of harming your baby. Close the door to abortion. There are many couples who are hoping, waiting & praying to love your baby as his or her mommy or daddy. Take a look at some of the profiles of couples on the adoption waiting list: You might also find this website very helpful:

    Abortion is a pre-meditated act of violence. God has revealed to you that you are not to consider aborting your baby & He has placed loving, caring people in your life. His message to you, sweetie, is to repent (confess & forsake all of your sin, including sexual immorality) & to look to Jesus Christ for the grace of forgiveness. If you won't turn from your sin, there is no hope for you. This baby is God's little messenger to you, honey. He has sent this baby boy or girl to lead you away from your sin to Jesus. Look unto Christ & live. I write this to you with love. When I was pregnant & unmarried dear friends & family cared for me & helped me to have my dear son. I want to be a friend to you & so does David. Trust in the Lord, put away the idea of abortion. Accept the love of those around you. Take care of yourself & your baby. You don't have to have all the answers right now. Just take it one day at a time. Okay?

    I am looking forward to hearing how you & your baby are doing, my friend. My prayers are with you.
