Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 9: " I'm going to hell!"

In life there are many things to be proud of. Having that first child or being able to purchase that first house. As a teen, getting that first car.

When these things happen we are so happy that we tell everyone that will listen. On another note, there are a few things that we just should not be so proud of. One of them is going to hell.

For sometime now, I have been using signs to witness with along stretches of high traffic areas around town. My signs vary between asking questions such as the sign I was using today. "Where will you spend eternity? Repent & Believe the Gospel."

Others give a scripture verse that I feel will speak to those that may see it. With the right sign and a good busy day, you can plant a seed in hundreds of people in just a matter of minutes, similar to the way billboards work.

As I was out today with them, standing in front of Eastdale Mall, I saw lots of people drive by and look. Some honked their horns, some gave the thumbs up, some took pictures, and one brother in Christ felt the need to bless me by bringing me some Gatorade. My desire though, was that people would not see me, but Christ and that those who are lost to see the sign, for God to use it and stir their hearts and draw them unto Himself.

As the sun beamed down hot rays, my time was about up on this corner. I had plans to go and stand elsewhere around town hoping the same thing. As the clocked winded down, two young boys pulled up next me and stopped at the light. They looked at me and my sign and I quickly explained it to them. That we all die, there is a 100% chance of it. Where will you go? The boy on the passenger side, jokingly said he knew where he was going. I told him to make sure as the light quickly changed.

The light changed and off the two went pulling into the mall parking area. Not before yelling proudly out the window that they were going to hell. I shook my head and faced the oncoming traffic and prayed for God to save them.

Then my spirit began to talk to me. "Go find them." So I packed up my sign and I and with a handful of tracts, went walking around the mall looking for these two young men. Once inside, they were easy to find sitting at a table in the food court having lunch.

Walking back and forth, I gave them a careful glance to make sure it was them. I was sure these were the two. I hadn't seen anyone else in the mall fitting their description, so I approached them without further hesitation.

Excuse me guys, my name is David, shaking each of their hands. I was standing outside with a sign that asked, "Where will you spend eternity." When two guys drove by yelling that they were going to hell. I'm not sure, but I think it was you two.

Nearly choking with shock and fear and maybe some chicken, the two quickly corrected me that it wasn't them, but admitted that they had seen me standing outside with a sign. Since I apparently had the wrong guys, and did not have to flog them until they repented, I offered an apology as I took a seat next to them. I wish I could describe the look on their faces. Just try to imagine!

I asked each of them about the question on my sign. What happens when you die, where are you going? Each of them responded that they were going to heaven. Good, so why should God let each of you into heaven?

A received a normal reply from them both. "I'm saved and gave my heart to Jesus and repented." Good answer I thought. So what is repentance? "Asking for forgiveness," they said.

I looked at each of them and calmly explained repentance to them. Explaining that repentance is not asking for forgiveness, but a turning from sin. That it was more than just saying I'm sorry please forgive me.

As continued on with the Law & the Gospel with them both. Taking them through civil court, showing that crimes aren't just forgiven, but that a penalty has to be paid. That a good judge will not simply sent you free because you said you were sorry and promised never to do it again. The truth is, you should be sorry and you should never do it again.

That the only way the good judge can legally set you free was if you paid the fine. Problem is, the fine is so great, you could never pay it. So off to prison you go.

One of the young men, then turned his chair around toward me as I seemed to grab his attention. I continued to explain how all of us have sinned. How each of us has broken God's Laws, His Ten Commandments.

I shared a few with them, and each admitted to lying, stealing and looking with lust which is the same as adultery. With that, I told them that Revelation 21:8 says that, "All liars, thieves and adulterers shall have their part in the lake of fire."

Guys, If God were to judge you on the Day of Judgment by His Commandments; you've admitted to me that you have broken at least three of them, where will you go? Hesitantly, hell was the answer.

Being in Alabama, there doesn't appear to be many that don't know what God did to save us, or at least some part of it. Many admit some knowledge of knowing that God sent His Son to die for us. The problem is why would God do such a thing? Why not just snap your fingers to make everything alright. Why go to such great lengths to save people that aren't very appreciative?

Taking them through civil court once again, I told them that if they committed a terrible crime, the only chance of being free was to spend twenty years in prison or pay a fine of one million dollars. The fine is so great, you could never pay it. So off to prison you go, for the crime you committed.

Well, as your being lead off, a complete stranger burst into the courtroom and tells the judge to stop. Then looking at the judge, telling him that he has sold all he had, his car, and his house, everything to pay your fine. I asked the two young men, how would that make you feel.? "Grateful." they said. Indeed you would, I exclaimed.

In the same why guys, Jesus has come into the courtroom, dying on a cross, paying a legal transaction for the sins we have committed. Taking on God's wrath that was meant for us.

I expressed to them that in the same way as in civil court when the man sold all he had to pay our fine, how should we live knowing what Christ did for us?

Again they said grateful. I told them that the bible says that if you love me, you would obey me. If we say we love Christ, yet ignore Him, then there may be something wrong in our salvation.

Continuing speaking with them, emphasizing, the importance of trusting in Christ and true repentance, I closed by telling them that I may never see them again. But this chance encounter was no accident. To search their heart to see if there is anything in their life, that is sinful and to turn from it and to see the cross and be grateful for what Christ has done for us.

This day was a good day of practice. There may have been some things I would have liked to share with them and maybe a few things, I would have like to keep to myself. Thankfully though, their salvation is not dependent on me. We are told simply to preach the gospel.

These two boys' names were Tanner and Matthew. Please keep them in your prayers.

Thanks for letting me share this with you. I hope you enjoyed Day 9 of the journal and that somehow, it is an encouragement to you to boldly step out in your own city and communities and share this great news of the gospel of our Lord. I myself look forward to the opportunities that wait as I set out on Day 1o of my own Road to Decapolis.

Lighting the darkness~

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