Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 8: Did you get one of these?

If you have been following my post, you are aware by now that to share your faith you don't always have to open air preach or have a 20 minute conversation with a person. Many times all you need to do is hand a tract with a good biblical message to someone or lay one down in a store or where ever you may find yourself during your average day.

On this day, I found myself in two places. Church and at a Buckmasters event. Well, my pastor preached a good message that if someone needed the gospel, he took care of that, so after lunch, two of my kids and I headed on out to the
event to see what was going over there.

As we drove near the event facility looking for a spot, I was encouraged to see slews of people everywhere. I saw so many opportunities to speak to people and even preach a sermon or two. However, with my two kids in tow, wasn't about to happen. So a little simple tract passing would have to do.

Before we even made it into the facility, I was able to quickly hand some trivia tracts to people leaving the event. Once inside, it was an evangelist playground. People everywhere! So here and there, I would slip a tract to a person or lay one down on a table as I moved about the convention area.

Places tracts are pretty simple. As I mentioned in a previous post, they can go places I can't.

Try passing out tracts as you go through the day. Below is a video of a guy who is actually walking through a local eatery and laying tracts down on tables. I saw this video a few years back and offered some encouragement to me. I have dome this many times and not once, have I had any issues. Check it out and give it a try.

I look forward to Day 9 of this journal and hope that you are encouraged by this journal as I have been with the opportunities given to share such good news. Please share your faith!

Lighting the darkness~


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