Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 13: Witnessing to a Sabir a Muslim

There has been alot of discussion recently about Muslims due to the mosque that is planned to be built at the site of the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York. While the topic is a sensitive topic, it does offer a good opportunity to talk with people and especially Muslims on what they believe and why.

In sharing my faith, I have had some opportunities to talk with Muslims and share viewpoints on why I believe what I do and vice versa. If I can't answer a question or understand something, I find it helpful to be ready the next time by studying what that person believes and the next time hopefully be able to answer any questions of defend my faith better.

On this particular day, I found myself on the campus of Auburn University of Montgomery or AUM. While there, I was able to distribute many tracts as well as have some great conversations, one conversation being with a young student named Sabir.

I had given him a tract and walked with him as he read it. Making conversation, I pointed out that the tract used God's Law or Ten Commandments to show a person their sin, as a school master of sort ~Galatians 3:24.

Carefully examining the tract, he asked if I made it. I told him that they were from Livingwaters.com. After discussing a bite more, he told me he was a Muslim. In my head I was was delighted, because I had just read up on what Muslims believe a few days before and loathed at the opportunity to ask him about what I learned.

It was then, that my mind went blank; reminding me of school during a test, all the studying you did the night before, just seemed to disappear. My mind went blank, all but the Five Pillars of Islam. I questioned him on them and he politely explained to me what they were.

Known as the 'Five Pillars' of Islam, they are the foundation of Muslim life:
  1. Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad;
  2. Establishment of the daily prayers;
  3. Concern for and almsgiving to the needy;
  4. Self-purification through fasting; and
  5. The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able.
Looking at the pillars, I asked him why does he keep them. "To help keep you free from sin," he said. Much like the way a Christian prays and fast and gives to the needy and believes in God. I responded.

Continuing on, I recalled that Muslim's believe in the first five books of Moses or the Torah. And after speaking with Sabir, he said that they believe that Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead and was a prophet that will one day return and judge the earth.

I found it interesting that we agreed somewhat on the first and last parts, but in the middle, there were alot of discrepancies. To them, by Sabir's account, you do good deeds and you are forgiven.

Sabir shared with me as well that I find worth sharing is that if you commit a sin, you can ask for forgiveness from Allah and he will forgive you, if you do it again, there can not be no forgiveness. When he said that, I asked him how many times he has apologized for lying and did it again the next day. He looked at me as if caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

I then continued on with Law, which he agreed with and the understanding that a price had to be paid because we broke the Law. That the fine for the sins we have committed against God is death and that we could not earn our salvation, that God demands payment. Then giving him the gospel, what Christ did on the cross, and how He paid for our sins, paying the fine for the crime against God.

Sabir just looked and I'm not sure what was going on in his head or his heart, I pray though that God was working with him. Afterward, we talked a bit more then shook hands and both departed on our way.

The point to be made here, is that it was not my intention to outsmart him or know more than he did. But to be honest with what I believe and let the spirit do the work in his heart. Why it is important to be able to give an answer of what and why you believe what you do, we should never just rely on our intellectual knowledge to win a person to Christ. All should depend on Christ working in that person.

Sabir without a doubt knew more than I on the Muslim faith and I more than him on the Christian faith. But keeping it simple and showing him what all men from everywhere have in common, that we all have broken God's Law, that a payment for doing so much be paid, which is death, and the good news of the Gospel that Christ went to the cross and paid that fine. That God calls all men to repent and faith in His son Jesus for the forgiveness of sin~ Acts 17:30.

I hope you find this day encouraging as I did. I did not know what this day would hold, that I would meet Sabir and have the chance to share with him the Gospel. My pray and I hope that it would be yours would be that God would indeed draw this young man as well as the many others that received a tract or spoke with me to repentance and faith in Christ.

Below are a few links that provide information on what other religions and cults believe. You may find them helpful as you study some of what others believe the next time there is are Jehovah Witnesses at your door or your own encounter with a Muslim. But do remember that it should not our goal to simply win arguments and debates, but to win souls for Christ.

Be well and light the darkness,


Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 12 : Evangelism doesnt have to be legalistic

If you are following this blog, you may have noticed that I did write any post for the weekend. Thankfully, some of that was due to a busy weekend and some of it is a reminder that evangelism, sharing your faith should not become legalistic. What I mean is that why it is a command for us to share our faith and make disciples, if doesn't have to be a burden to us, as something we must simply do everyday just to do it.

Now don't get me wrong, we should in some manner share our faith regularly, be ready in season and out of season and able at any moment to share our faith 2 Timothy 4:2. We need to be prepared to make a defense to anyone that may ask us for a reason for the hope that is within us 1 Peter 3:15.

There are opportunities everyday that are given to us to practice sharing our faith. If we miss a few, that's fine. I don't believe God will beat us with a stick. Sharing your faith as I try to emphasis is simply practice, practice, practice. There will always be more chances and opportunities. As we grow and learn, it will get easier to do and you will get more confident.

I did have opportunities this past weekend though to share my faith. Each day offered a festival or opportunity at the store to talk to a person or fill up on gas. I am very grateful for each opportunity.

Over the weekend, I was able to sit back and watch some videos on evangelism training. This was one thing I did this weekend. Sometimes instead of going out to witness, it is just best to sit and read God's word and study, one day, I did just that. They are from The Ambassadors Alliance Academy part of Livingwaters Ministries or Way of the Master. Each video consist of different speakers speaking for about an hour. Please take some time and watch these videos if you have not done already so. I will post a link to the videos below and once agin, strongly encourage you to view them.


I know that his post is somewhat different to the direct purpose of this journal, but in the end, I want you to be encouraged to share your faith, not just read what I do.

Thank you,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 11: 21 Days & A Heartbeat

Most people don't know that 21 days after a child is conceived, they have a heartbeat. This is one of the bits of information others and I share with people that come to the abortion clinic in town.

I can't say that every time I have mentioned it to them that they realized that the child in the womb is indeed living and decide to keep the baby. Sadly, more people continue inside and go forth with the abortion.

Today was no different. I arrived at the clinic to find around 7 cars already in the parking lot. There were two escorts standing nearby. My entire time there, I spoke with the ladies and men that were coming and going. Some were loud with me; others just tried to pretend I did not exist.

The two escorts have become listening ears to me though. When people aren't coming for an abortion, I stand there and read form God's word and preach the law & the gospel to them. Some respond with anger, while others just play deaf. I've learned not to depend simply on what I say, but be faithful to the word and trust that it is God's word and will not return void. Isaiah 55:11

I have been to many places and seen lots of wicked things. This by far is the worst place of them all. The sheer realization that there is actually a place where people can go and murder their young is appalling and strictly unimaginable. Second to that is knowing that it tales place and doing nothing to stop it...

In Montgomery, abortions are held on Wednesday & Friday mornings at Reproductive Health Services at 811 S. Perry St. People normally arrive between 7am thru 9am. Please consider coming out and just standing and praying if anything. Below are a few local ministries in town that are working to give women information on abortions and help stop it. As well as a few links for those considering abortion or facing an unplanned pregnancy.

The Ministry of Life

Save A life Pregnancy Center

First Choice Women's Medical Center

AbortionNo.com (Graphic site)

This is a post I wrote about a year or so ago with the same title ... "21 Days and a heartbeat"

I never enjoy sharing stories like these. However, I hope that as you read it, you might be moved to stand for life in your own city.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 10: Why didn't someone tell me?

What is the temperature in your area? 89 degrees? How about 74 degrees? If your like many in America, it is probably more like 101 degrees. I recall hearing a few weeks back that this past summer has been the hottest summer on record. I don't have a problem agreeing with that and I doubt anyone would disagree with me.

In my own city it has been an extremely hot summer. To make matters worst, my truck doesn't have an air conditioner, hasn't had one in over 7 years. Reason being is that 7 years ago, the heater core went bad and leaked out all the coolant and in doing so, made my truck run hot causing a head casket to blow.

Total price for the head casket was around $500 bucks. To repair the heater core would have cost another $500 bucks on top of that. So being me and frugal, just settled for a 220. That is 2 windows down and at least 20 miles per hour.

For 7 years, that has worked just fine. There have been days though when a nice cool air conditioner would have been great to have, like this past summer for instance.

The topic of having no air conditioner has came up many times in the past years, just as it did a few weeks back. A good friends and I were discussing the heater core situation when he told me that the heater core had nothing to do with the air conditioner. "Really?" I thought. So yesterday I decided to take a look to see of that was true. After examining the fuses, I realized I had taken the ac/heater fuse out.

After taking a fuse from the horn to place in the ac/heater slot, I cranked my truck up. Instantly I felt something coming out of my truck I had not felt in some time. It wasn't cold brisk air, but it was cold air. I had an air conditioner!

To my amazement, I sat in my truck turning the air off and on. Something I had not done in years. Wow...then I felt dumb. All this time, all these summers, all these sticky hot days and all I needed was a fuse?

I went to the parts place to get some more fuses to replace the one I took from the horn. Inside I could not help but share it with people. Everyone I spoke to thought it was pretty funny and indeed it was.

Having to go to the store gave me the chance I wanted to pass out a few tracts. Since I had already spoken to some about my mishap, giving them a tract and them receiving it, was allot easier.

Looking at this situation, I kept telling myself that there is a sermon in here somewhere. For over 7 years, I have driven this truck everywhere through the blistering heat. If I had only known that I needed was a simple little fuse. As many that I shared with that my air did not work, you would have thought, one person, at least one person would have told me that the heater core has nothing to do with the air. If they did, could you imagine how different some of my days would have been?

When I look at the situation, I can't help but see the importance of sharing the gospel with others. Can you imagine how different your life would have been if you have heard the gospel at a much earlier age and responded with a true repentant heart? If only someone had told you?

Imagine all those lost in this world? Imagine all those placing their trust in things other that Christ? Imagine how different life would be or how different eternity would be? Although there is some humor in this story, there is none whatsoever in the fact that we do not share the gospel with others. Christ has commanded each of us, everyone who is a follower of Christ to share the good news, to make disciples of all men. Matthew 28:19

If we are truly saved and know Christ, we have a testimony on what our life was like before we were saved and what life is like now. While life may not be full of the best all the time, we have something great to share. All the motivation we really need is that He saved us. Please look what our Lord has done for you. Look at the great length God has went to save each of us, by sending His son to die on a cross in our place. What more motivation do we really need than that?

I hope you would continue to pray for those opportunities and the people I witness with and that you may be encouraged somehow to be bold and to seek out those opportunities in your own city and to share the gospel with all you can and bring glory to our Lord and Savior.

Lighting the darkness,

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 9: " I'm going to hell!"

In life there are many things to be proud of. Having that first child or being able to purchase that first house. As a teen, getting that first car.

When these things happen we are so happy that we tell everyone that will listen. On another note, there are a few things that we just should not be so proud of. One of them is going to hell.

For sometime now, I have been using signs to witness with along stretches of high traffic areas around town. My signs vary between asking questions such as the sign I was using today. "Where will you spend eternity? Repent & Believe the Gospel."

Others give a scripture verse that I feel will speak to those that may see it. With the right sign and a good busy day, you can plant a seed in hundreds of people in just a matter of minutes, similar to the way billboards work.

As I was out today with them, standing in front of Eastdale Mall, I saw lots of people drive by and look. Some honked their horns, some gave the thumbs up, some took pictures, and one brother in Christ felt the need to bless me by bringing me some Gatorade. My desire though, was that people would not see me, but Christ and that those who are lost to see the sign, for God to use it and stir their hearts and draw them unto Himself.

As the sun beamed down hot rays, my time was about up on this corner. I had plans to go and stand elsewhere around town hoping the same thing. As the clocked winded down, two young boys pulled up next me and stopped at the light. They looked at me and my sign and I quickly explained it to them. That we all die, there is a 100% chance of it. Where will you go? The boy on the passenger side, jokingly said he knew where he was going. I told him to make sure as the light quickly changed.

The light changed and off the two went pulling into the mall parking area. Not before yelling proudly out the window that they were going to hell. I shook my head and faced the oncoming traffic and prayed for God to save them.

Then my spirit began to talk to me. "Go find them." So I packed up my sign and I and with a handful of tracts, went walking around the mall looking for these two young men. Once inside, they were easy to find sitting at a table in the food court having lunch.

Walking back and forth, I gave them a careful glance to make sure it was them. I was sure these were the two. I hadn't seen anyone else in the mall fitting their description, so I approached them without further hesitation.

Excuse me guys, my name is David, shaking each of their hands. I was standing outside with a sign that asked, "Where will you spend eternity." When two guys drove by yelling that they were going to hell. I'm not sure, but I think it was you two.

Nearly choking with shock and fear and maybe some chicken, the two quickly corrected me that it wasn't them, but admitted that they had seen me standing outside with a sign. Since I apparently had the wrong guys, and did not have to flog them until they repented, I offered an apology as I took a seat next to them. I wish I could describe the look on their faces. Just try to imagine!

I asked each of them about the question on my sign. What happens when you die, where are you going? Each of them responded that they were going to heaven. Good, so why should God let each of you into heaven?

A received a normal reply from them both. "I'm saved and gave my heart to Jesus and repented." Good answer I thought. So what is repentance? "Asking for forgiveness," they said.

I looked at each of them and calmly explained repentance to them. Explaining that repentance is not asking for forgiveness, but a turning from sin. That it was more than just saying I'm sorry please forgive me.

As continued on with the Law & the Gospel with them both. Taking them through civil court, showing that crimes aren't just forgiven, but that a penalty has to be paid. That a good judge will not simply sent you free because you said you were sorry and promised never to do it again. The truth is, you should be sorry and you should never do it again.

That the only way the good judge can legally set you free was if you paid the fine. Problem is, the fine is so great, you could never pay it. So off to prison you go.

One of the young men, then turned his chair around toward me as I seemed to grab his attention. I continued to explain how all of us have sinned. How each of us has broken God's Laws, His Ten Commandments.

I shared a few with them, and each admitted to lying, stealing and looking with lust which is the same as adultery. With that, I told them that Revelation 21:8 says that, "All liars, thieves and adulterers shall have their part in the lake of fire."

Guys, If God were to judge you on the Day of Judgment by His Commandments; you've admitted to me that you have broken at least three of them, where will you go? Hesitantly, hell was the answer.

Being in Alabama, there doesn't appear to be many that don't know what God did to save us, or at least some part of it. Many admit some knowledge of knowing that God sent His Son to die for us. The problem is why would God do such a thing? Why not just snap your fingers to make everything alright. Why go to such great lengths to save people that aren't very appreciative?

Taking them through civil court once again, I told them that if they committed a terrible crime, the only chance of being free was to spend twenty years in prison or pay a fine of one million dollars. The fine is so great, you could never pay it. So off to prison you go, for the crime you committed.

Well, as your being lead off, a complete stranger burst into the courtroom and tells the judge to stop. Then looking at the judge, telling him that he has sold all he had, his car, and his house, everything to pay your fine. I asked the two young men, how would that make you feel.? "Grateful." they said. Indeed you would, I exclaimed.

In the same why guys, Jesus has come into the courtroom, dying on a cross, paying a legal transaction for the sins we have committed. Taking on God's wrath that was meant for us.

I expressed to them that in the same way as in civil court when the man sold all he had to pay our fine, how should we live knowing what Christ did for us?

Again they said grateful. I told them that the bible says that if you love me, you would obey me. If we say we love Christ, yet ignore Him, then there may be something wrong in our salvation.

Continuing speaking with them, emphasizing, the importance of trusting in Christ and true repentance, I closed by telling them that I may never see them again. But this chance encounter was no accident. To search their heart to see if there is anything in their life, that is sinful and to turn from it and to see the cross and be grateful for what Christ has done for us.

This day was a good day of practice. There may have been some things I would have liked to share with them and maybe a few things, I would have like to keep to myself. Thankfully though, their salvation is not dependent on me. We are told simply to preach the gospel.

These two boys' names were Tanner and Matthew. Please keep them in your prayers.

Thanks for letting me share this with you. I hope you enjoyed Day 9 of the journal and that somehow, it is an encouragement to you to boldly step out in your own city and communities and share this great news of the gospel of our Lord. I myself look forward to the opportunities that wait as I set out on Day 1o of my own Road to Decapolis.

Lighting the darkness~

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 8: Did you get one of these?

If you have been following my post, you are aware by now that to share your faith you don't always have to open air preach or have a 20 minute conversation with a person. Many times all you need to do is hand a tract with a good biblical message to someone or lay one down in a store or where ever you may find yourself during your average day.

On this day, I found myself in two places. Church and at a Buckmasters event. Well, my pastor preached a good message that if someone needed the gospel, he took care of that, so after lunch, two of my kids and I headed on out to the
event to see what was going over there.

As we drove near the event facility looking for a spot, I was encouraged to see slews of people everywhere. I saw so many opportunities to speak to people and even preach a sermon or two. However, with my two kids in tow, wasn't about to happen. So a little simple tract passing would have to do.

Before we even made it into the facility, I was able to quickly hand some trivia tracts to people leaving the event. Once inside, it was an evangelist playground. People everywhere! So here and there, I would slip a tract to a person or lay one down on a table as I moved about the convention area.

Places tracts are pretty simple. As I mentioned in a previous post, they can go places I can't.

Try passing out tracts as you go through the day. Below is a video of a guy who is actually walking through a local eatery and laying tracts down on tables. I saw this video a few years back and offered some encouragement to me. I have dome this many times and not once, have I had any issues. Check it out and give it a try.

I look forward to Day 9 of this journal and hope that you are encouraged by this journal as I have been with the opportunities given to share such good news. Please share your faith!

Lighting the darkness~



Day 7: Drive Thru Evangelism

Day 7 did not offer as much excitement as yesterday, but still provided an opportunity as everyday does with probably just about one of the easiest ways to share your faith there is. "Drive Thru Evangelism."

On the way to my in-laws for a day of swimming and playing golf on the Wii, I decided to take the few bucks and stop by McDonald's for a cheap burger and fry for the kids and I. After my food was ordered and I was waiting in line, I added a Million Dollar Bill tract to my bill.

As I pulled up to the window and paid for my food, I told the cashier that this was for her, quickly explaining that it was a gospel tract and has a good message on the back. She smiled and said thank you.

One way of doing Drive Thru Evangelism, is to ask about the price of the person behind you and tell the cashier that you would like to pay for their meal and give them a tract to hand them as they drive up to the window to get their food.

Just another way of practicing sharing your faith. Below is a video from Fish With Trish where she practices Drive Thru Evangelism herself. Check it out and I hope it brings you some encouragement to do the same.

I look forward to Day 8 of this journal and hope that you are encouraged by this journal as I have been with the opportunities given to share such good news.

Lighting the darkness~



Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 6: Witnessing To Those That Had been Drinking

On Day 6 of this journal, the opportunities given to practice sharing the gospel was again nothing short of interesting and a learning experience. There was preaching, tract passing, one two one conversations, bibles slapped out of hands and people cursed out. As well as some that seemed to come to the knowledge that they were sinners in need of a Savior.

I was joined this night by a group of friends as well as about 20 youth from Operation Impact that had been traveling around the country in a bus preaching on campuses, streets, parks, wherever given the opportunity to, they were there. I watched as these young people preached and witnessed, it was pretty amazing to see young people carrying conversations with people on things other than music or the latest fad of the day, but that of the good news of Jesus Christ.

As I mentioned, this was a learning experience for myself, even though I normally go out in this area weekly and preach and witness. As I go, I typically stray from those that a had been drinking. Personally, I find it very hard to reason with one whose mind is intoxicated so much that they even have trouble standing. I would rather just give them a tract and prayerfully after they sober up, read it them and repent and come to Christ.

These young people though, had no issue with it. I watched them speak to a few people that had been drinking that had gotten upset with the preacher. To them, the preacher was condemning and judgmental them for preaching repentance and to put off all ungodliness ~ Titus 2:12

Those that were sober either walked away or stood around as the drunk people, just brought attention to themsleves by yelling, cursing, and making excuses for themselves.

One man, who said he was a Christian that was indeed drunk, became so angry at a young man witnessing to him, that he slapped the Bible out of his hand. While another cursed profanities at those preaching and witnessing that again professed to know Christ and that no one can judge him.

Later on, I would get a chance to share Christ with those I normally stray from. Walking with Rafael, a good buddy, we came across about 5 people sitting across the Alley Bar downtown. As we walked toward them, I mentioned to Rafael that I hate dealing with drunk people and thought about going the other way. Little did I know, God had different plans.

As we approached the small group, I started by giving each of them a tract. One man had indeed had way to much to drink. Cursing profanities as if he had no other words in his vocabulary. All in a calm manner by the way thankfully, not a mean drunk.

Somehow, I found myself speaking and explaining to them the tract instead of a drop and go tactic. They all, as usual professed to know Christ, but I explained to them that if we love Him we would obey Him and turn from all sin~ John 14:23. I continued to explain the importance of repentance, a turning from sin and shared an illustration that I use on the consequences of sin and how we should have nothing to do with it.

Imagine later tonight as they shoot fireworks off, they let your mom or your child participate by lighting them. As your child or mother lights a firework, you realize that they had just lit a stick of dynamite. Well you take that dynamite from them and throw it as far away from them as possible. Then you wrap your arms around them and run as far away in the other direction as possible. Why did you do that?

"To save their life." They replied. Indeed, because if you are anywhere near the dynamite when it goes off, it will destroy you. Sin is the same way. It will destroy you. For the wages of SIN is death I continued ~ Romans 6:23. Not to just leave them with bad news, I made sure they were ready for the gospel. As I tried to explain what Christ had done for us and why, one man kept butting in cursing, but everyone else listened hard. I just ignored him and continued with the gospel. That although, the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. I encouraged them to examine their hearts, to repent of all sin and to turn to Christ as the only hope for their salvation.

Each of them, even the loud cursing man, thanked each of us for sharing this with them. It is my prayer for them and all who heard the preaching, received a tract or had a conversation with someone would indeed be drawn to Christ. It was a great night filled with lots of encouragement.

Dealing with drunk people is still tough, I would still rather pass a tract and go. If the spirit leads me to continue with a one two one, I pray I take it. Other wise they make great hecklers to draw a crowd.

I look forward to Day 7 of this journal and hope that you are encouraged by this journal as I have been with the opportunities given to share such good news.

Lighting the darkness~



Day 5: Project Ezra

As part of Project Ezra, a project started to encourage believers to take to their communities with the public reading of the Bible, I went out this afternoon to the court-square downtown and set my mic and amp up and proceeded to read from the book of Jeremiah chapter 7.

In this particular chapter, God is calling Jeremiah to stand in the door of His temple and confront pretenders to the faith. If your reading the Bible publicly, this is a great book to read. As you read the text, you will see many similarities between the way Israel had forgotten God and the people of today.

Many people fear public speaking and I am one of them. Many times I am "kicking up rocks" per-say when I stand in front of a crowd for some open air preaching. Praying and praying before that first word rolls off my tongue.

It doesn't matter how nervous ones is, if God has given you a word to share, you will not be able to keep it in. Like Jeremiah, it is like fire in your bones. Jeremiah 20:9

During our reading, we passed out some tracts and had some one two one conversation. One man we spoke with was Calvin. A drug addict that needs Christ desperately as we all do. Please remember him in your prayers.

Also check out Project Ezra by following the link attached for more on taking part in the public reading of scripture in your area. There is a participation map that those who read each week and just may be some in your area.

If your into Facebook, there is a page as well for that. Check that out by clicking this link.

Thanks very much for letting me share this with you. I hope you find these opportunities an encouragement to you as I do finding and writing about them. I hope they lead you to do the same and share your faith in your own city.

Lighting the darkness~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 4: Let Me Live

Today offered one opportunity to share the gospel that made my heart sink and become angry at how the power of sin and how it destroys life.

I had been out only once today and didn't get the chance to witness, so I was anticipating the telemarketers that call to offer a great deals to eliminate my debt so that I could share with them much the same thing, if you you get me.

However to prove that God is the one who gives opportunities to witness, a different phone call came. It was a parent of a young girl that I knew and shared the gospel with many times. As the parent and I talked, first it was good news and glad to hear from you, then words about the daughter that made my eyes swell and my heart sink.

The parent placed the girl on the phone and our conversation began with good to hear from you and some reflecting on some past memories. Then the news no parent looks to hear to hear. That she was with expecting a child.

She discussed with me the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy, un-married, the father, and fear of bring a child into this world and being unable to care for it.

Careful not to focus simply on the fact that she had done something she should not have been doing, I tried to offer her encouragement on the fact that this child is no mistake. That God's word declares that He has formed this child's inward most parts and knitted this child in the womb and how wonderfully made the child is ~ Psalm 139

She told me that she thought of adoption as an option but was fearful that ten years or so down the road, having a child that hates her because she gave the child up. I assured her that at any point down the road, if that child thinks of it's mother, even if that child is upset over being placed in the care of another family, the joy that, that child has simply to live will over shadow any emotion that may arise. Simply that she chose life and let her daughter or son live.

I offered her ever example or scenario that I could think of that I have learned while standing at abortion clinics in town. That the child at only 21 days after conception has a heartbeat and if it could express to its mother, all it would say would be to, "Let me live, let me live."

As our conversation progressed, my heart continued to be torn to shreds, I had no magic wand or words to just made everything better. I could not imagine what she is going through.

While not trying to ignore the real issue of the situation, she knew what she had done and knew the consequences of it very real. I spoke to her about sin and how each of us have committed numerous crimes/sins against God and have fallen short of God's glory ~ Romans 3:23

That each of us are guilty and in need of a Savior that can only be found in Christ.
Having witnessed to her in previous times, I told her her biggest problem is not being pregnant, but more of a heart issue; that God's ears are tuned to a repentant heart. That every situation is given by God to draw us to Himself. That if we would turn from our sins and repent, He would be our God and we would be His people. He would save us because he loves us.

Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save,or his ear dull, that it cannot hear;but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God,and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear Isaiah 59:1-2

The best I could, I continued to offer her encouragement that as God provided a way for His people to be saved, as He showed in the sending of His Son, He would indeed provide a way for this child. That as this may be a surprise to us, it was not to Him, He knew long before we did the situation concerning the child.

As I mentioned, no magic wand or words to simplify the situation. She is in a tough spot and many young girls out fear, shame, uneducation about abortion make the terrible decision everyday to end the life of their child.

My prayer is that God would use this to save her and her baby and those involved. Plain and simple. She could keep her child, give the child up for adoption or sadly abort it. Without Christ, any decision she makes, still ends her separated from God for eternity in hell.

Please pray for her and her family. I knew it was just a few days before she was to decide on what decision to make. I plan to send this to her and I pray she reads it. If you see fit, share your comments on the bottom as if you were speaking to her.

To my friend, I love you as does God more than you know,your not alone...

Thanks you,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 3: In Need of Gas

While out running errands today, my van began making a pinging noise, alerting me that my "gas-aholic" van needed a drink at $2.52 a gallon. Knowing this was coming, but like the thoughtful husband I am, I had hoped I could make it home and let my wife do it later.

However with two kids in the back, the last thing I wanted was to run out of gas and be stranded on the side of the road with a 3 year old reminding me over and over she needed to go potty and a 15 month old that already did.

With that said, I steered toward the nearest gas station and drained my wallet as I filled up my van. As the gas pumped, I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a few tracts to give to a guy pumping gas next to me. As I gave him the tract, I briefly explained to him that it was a gospel tract and had a good message on the back. His only response was a few glances at me and the tract, as if I had given him a speeding ticket.

Back at my van, I placed a tract on the sign over the pump and finished pumping gas and got my receipt and off I went. While this doesn't sound at all exciting and to some not worth mentioning. I mean, where was the open air preaching, where was the one two one conversation, or the discussion on evolution and Darwinism. All it was, was simply one man giving a piece of paper to a stranger with the gospel written on the back, which Romans 1:16 tells us that the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.

And also trusting in God's word that whatever God's says will not come back void, always accomplishing what He desires and without succeeding in the matter in which God sends it . Isaiah 55:11

That tract also can go places I can't. If the guy were to take it home and lay it down, possibly someone else could read it and God could use it to draw them to Himself, saving them. Or the guy I handed it to, could read it, see his need for a Savior and place his trust in Christ.

Then repent of all his sins and be so overwhelmed with gratitude that God, the Creator of the universe would go to such great lengths to save him by sending His Son to die in his place, that he gets some tracts himself and goes out witnessing sharing the good news. How great would that be!

As simple as today was, as I mentioned, it was nothing spectacular by some degrees, but seriously, that one tract could possibly be used to save someone. You don't always have to go witnessing per-say or need a special even to practice witnessing. The best practice comes in our every day lives, going to the store, work, school, or simply pumping gas.

Below is a short and fun video I saw on passing out tracts and how easy passing out tracts truly are. I hope you enjoy it and that it brings some encouragement to you.

I look forward to Day 4 of this journal and hope that you are encouraged by this journal as I have been with the opportunities given to share such good news.

Lighting the darkness~



Cartoon by Richard Gunther

Day 2: Ever Been To Prison?

I set out last night after dinner and headed to Troy Montgomery, a local night school downtown. I had been through this way before and saw such an opportunity to practice witnessing with people going to and from classes.

I found my spot and placed my stool and just let it out, "Turn or burn, be sanctified or french fried!" Just kidding, it was nothing like that. I did preach to the crowds and did some public reading of the Word. Using a springboard that people typically spend 12 years in school, then if they go to college, maybe another 2 to 7 years. Simply to prepare for this world.

To get a nice job, a nice house, family and all the fix-in's. In turn spending up to 19 years in college simply to prepare for this world and doing so little to prepare for the next. Where we will be dead a lot longer that we will be alive. Continuing making the point that we all die with a 100% chance of it. So when that happens what next? Where will you be? Then preaching the Law & the Gospel. (Click the link to watch a video on what I mean when I sat the Law & the Gospel)

To my surprise, a few people came up to me thanking me for proclaiming the Word. Thanking them, I gave them a tract and encouraged them to do the same as we all should.

One young man that I tried to give a tract to freaked out a bit from me and turned and ran into a nearby building standing inside till his ride showed up.

After about an hour, the crowds had gotten pretty low and it was getting late. I was about to pack up when Ken, a young college student walked by. I handed him a " 2+2 =" tract that I got just today "FREE" from The Bezugen Tract Club and spoke about no matter what we do, 2+2 will always equal 4, no matter how you look at it. In turn it is an absolute as is the fact that we all will die.

In my conversation with Ken, a father of an eleven year old son, told me that he has spent some time in prison 3 years ago. I asked him which one, all of them, he said. Ken mentioned to me some issues he carries but believes he is saved. Since I do not know his heart, for only God knows the hearts of man, I gave him the Law and the Gospel and the Law proved to be a schoolmaster as it is intended to do. (Galatians 3:25)

Ken saw his sin through the mirror of the Commandments and I then gave him the gospel and he admitted that he should be more grateful as seeing what a great price our Lord paid for us on the cross.

Continually speaking with Ken and sharing some truth with him, He tilted his head and asked me if I had ever spent time in prison as well. I mentioned to him that I had once taken some of my boys from my group home, showing them where they needed to stay out of, but never locked up thankfully. When I asked him why does ask, his reply was...

He said that the only type of people he knows that only goes on the street and preaches on corners and witness are those that have been in prison and that normally the other church people are to comfortable where they are at to do such a thing.

Are people that don't share their faith to comfortable? If you don't share your faith, you tell me. His other statement however was as truthful as the sun is hot.

I know personally, that I never shared my faith until I saw how bad my sin was. That I was guilty of breaking His Laws and just how serious my crimes were. I saw the prison of hell before me and was terrified. Did I want to go there? No way... Did I deserve it? Every inch of it.

Being able to understand how great and hideous my sin truly was enabled me to really see and appreciate the great length that God went to save me. By sending His son to die on a cross for me, even while I was still a sinner. ( Romans 5:8 ) For each of us, sharing our faith is simply out of gratitude for the freedom and salvation Christ gives. As we witness, a reminder is that if not one person shows interest or gets saved, God was glorified that some one, cared enough to share His good news.

As a prisoner, once locked up and only dreams of freedom, we now have it. Don't be comfortable, look at the great price our Lord went to save us! Then go out and share your faith.

Ken and I spoke a bit longer. He allowed me to pray for him and his son. I told him that I plan to return to this area and hoped to run into him again. I gave him some contact info for me and on his was he went.

I hope you enjoyed Day 2 of the journal and that somehow, it is an encouragement to you to boldly step out in your own city and communities and share this great news of the gospel of our Lord. I myself look forward to the opportunities that wait as I set out on Day 3 of my own Road to Decapolis.

Lighting the darkness~

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 1 : Opportunites For Evangelism

After church on Sunday, Kevin a friend and witnessing buddy, came by our house for some lunch and afterward, some fellowship with the family. Before he left, I had gave him a sign for his car that I was given to me by WatchmanGospelSigns.com and he was seeing how it would appear on his rear window.

( Opportunity 1 ) We had some new neighbors moving in next door and the wife saw us and came and sparked a conversation and asked about the sign we had. Kevin & I showed her the sign and what it read in bold letters on top ," Seek the Lord while He may be found~ Isaiah 55:6"

( Opportunity 2 ) She then asked each of us, what church we attended and that she was non denomination. She shared with us, some likes and dislikes with church that many of us have. Her husband came over as well as a family friend that was assisting them in moving in.
My new neighbors seems to be some really nice people so far. No telling what they think of me, as my dear wife would says.

I never once shared the gospel with them or passed a tract. On my first day of this blog, I failed to do what I had intended to do. Was the opportunity given? Indeed, at least 2 times.

My point for this first day, is that opportunities are given to each of us each day, we just aren't always looking. Will there be more opportunities, for sure.

I hope you would continue to pray for those opportunities and the people I witness with and that you may be encouraged somehow to be bold and to seek out those opportunities in your own Decapolis to share the gospel with all you can and bring glory to our Lord and Savior.

Let me share this blog post with you, "How to be bold in witnessing~ 2 Timothy 14-18

Lighting the darkness,

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Road To Decapolis

Located east of the Jordan river, rest the cities of Decapolis. Just outside those cities are a set of tombs or graveyard that was the setting for what the gospel of Mark records as an encounter with a man many considered demented and could not be bound with chains.

Mark chapter 5:9-13 tells us that Christ had been traveling by boat across the Sea of Galilee and stopped in this area. As He and His disciples arrived, they were met by a man filled with many demons who called themselves Legion, for they are many. Upon this encounter with Christ, the man is set free from his torment and the demons were driven out and into a heard of swine that had been feeding in a nearby mountain area.

Afterward, the man who had been demon possessed asked to accompany Christ with Him on the boat. Christ refuses the man's request and instead instructs him to go home to his own people and tell them what great things the Lord has done for him. The man leaves and goes to Decapolis, obeying Christ and begins to proclaim the good news of what Christ had done for him, amazing everyone.

Before the meeting with Christ, the man lived in the tombs and was known to gnash himself with stones and was tormented screaming day and night among the tombs and mountains. The condition of the man before this encounter is not a far contrast from the state we were in before Christ called us to Himself, saving us. We were lost, controlled by evil desires, separated from God. But Christ has indeed saved us, and like the man, setting us free.

It is very important to bring attention to the fact that after the man had been set free, his actions that followed. Christ had done something very wonderful for him. With anticipation, the man desired to follow Christ. In doing so, he obeyed Christ when given instruction to go home to his own people and to proclaim what Christ has done for him.

Just like the anticipatio0n of the man, this should be our example, but we should have an even greater zeal to follow Him, knowing that Christ not only is Lord, but that he would lay down His life for us, even while we were sinners. Romans 5:8

Even though, we may not have been delivered from many demons or maybe healed from some terminal illness or ailment, Christ however has indeed saved us. He has saved, what other motivation do we need?

Christ gave the man a command of sort in the instruction to go home and tell what Christ had done for him. Christ has also commanded us, through His Great Commission to,"go into the entire world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15

"The Great Commission is not an option to be considered but a command to be obeyed." Those were the words of the late missionary Hudson Taylor and a firm statement on what Christ has called all believers to. To take this good news to our homes, to our people and communities and to tell others what Christ has done for us.

My friend, the Gospel is good news. Great news in fact. It is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 There are lost people everywhere and it would be a shame that any man, any neighbor of ours would perish without first hearing what Christ had done in our own lives. Recall how Christ changed this man, setting him free! Christ saved him and has done the same for us. Like the demon possessed man, what more motivation does one need?

Starting on August 15, 2010, I will be recording a daily journal as I set out each day in my own Decapolis of Montgomery. I plan to write about those that I share the Law & the Gospel with and what Christ has done for me. It is my desire to use this journal to help me grow in boldness and faith as I practice sharing my faith with others and to glorify my God. Also is is my desire to hopefully be of some encouragement to those that may follow me each day as I write about these encounters and that they may grow as well in boldness and faith and to reach out into their own Decapolis, telling others what Christ has done for them in sharing the Law & the Gospel with those around them.

In all, may God receive all the Glory, for He is King.
Light the darkness~