Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 14: Is there any reason-ing?

On this day of the journal, I was once again at Reproductive Health Services in Montgomery, which just so happens to be the only abortion clinic in town. While there, not much had changed. I was met by the same escorts as normal and the same scenarios of women and men.

All was the same except for the sound of a hurt lamb screaming for help. That noise came from the ram's horn that was brought by one of the counselor's father. As he blew the horn, I could not help but think about how terrible it sounded.

Listening to the sound of the horn, imagining the screams for help, you can't separate the distinction between a hurt lamb and a child about to be murdered. If only that child could scream for help...

While at the clinic today, I looked at Jeshau, one of the sidewalk counselors and said that this had to be the worst place on earth. Honestly... a place where children can actually be murdered legally. You would have thought I said to him, with all the churches and many that profess, Christ, there would have been more people standing for life.

I want to share with you something one of the counselors that come on Friday mornings before work said to me.

"Imagine if one of the disciples from the first church had a vision of the church in 2010. In this vision, he described with enthusiasm seeing church building everywhere. One nearly on every corner. And with these buildings, there were people going in and coming out, going in and coming out. He was filled with such delight. As he continued down the street, he saw another building. Not a church, but one where children could be murdered legally. As he saw this, he cried and thought, what has happened to the church?"

My friends, this is truly the worst place to be on earth. The thought of it, should make every person weep and beg for forgiveness. I have spoken with many people, pro life and pro-abortion. Everyone has their own opinion on the case. But our opinions don't matter.

No matter how we reason against or for it, plead for the life of the child or the choice the mother should have, God our creator has formed this child in the womb. Even if the child doesn't have a heartbeat till 9 months, just the fact that God Almighty knows this child and has designed and formed them, is all the reason one needs.

As I write this journal, I don't plan what I will do to make it interesting to the reader. I pray for opportunities and they come. This particular day, even without the blowing of the horns, offered other opportunities to talk with people, to pass out a tract or simply lay one day. My pray is that you, as you read and as you go, you would do the same. Share your faith with all you can. And too....Does the issue of abortion affect you? There is something you can do?

If you read this post and want to get involved, send me a message with your first name, email, and what city and state your in to and I will try to contact others in those cities that stand for righteousness and for life in your area.

Light the darkness,

1 comment:

  1. David
    Thanks for your faithfulness to be out there sharing the Gospel every day.
    God Bless!!
