Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 22 : Witnessing At The Mall

Yesterday I mentioned how the security at the campus of AUM, Auburn University of Montgomery discussed with me the rules and regulations of free speech on campus after someone reported me preaching. Well today, another run in with the law, but at the local mall in town.

For some time, well over a year, I have been standing around at intersections in town with witnessing signs that tell people to be "sanctified or french fried." Just kidding... "Where will you spend eternity? Repent & Believe the Gospel is what it actually says.

Since I began doing this type of evangelism, I haven't had many issues with the law or owners of properties except when I first began, the owner of a jewelry store across the street from the mall said I could not stand at the intersection in front of his store, for the reason that if he let me, he would have to let skinheads, crazy people, and so on stand there. So I moved across the street in front of the mall. I can say too, I haven't seen any skinheads, crazy people or any other group come and stand on a corner as I did, thankfully I moved...

Well today, I made my way out to Eastdale Mall with my sign. Within minutes, mall security showed up informing that the corner was mall property and I would have to move along. "No problem," I said, as I made the point that for over a year, I have been doing this and no one has said a thing. "We have a new mall manager and he is cracking down on things", he replied.

As we walked toward my car and his vehicle, I tried to witnessed with him, giving him a gospel tract and quickly explaining it to him. He gladly took the tract and told me where I could stand that was a good spot down the road that was a good intersection and off of mall property. I shook his hand and thanked him.

If you have done any evangelism, mostly likely you have tried the mall. There are lots of people and it is temperature controlled. A great fishing spot. If you have witnessed there, you probably have had run-ins with the mall security and told you could not pass out tracts. I posted a link on yesterday's journal post on dealing with the police, witnessing at malls, and dealing with security somewhat falls in the same category but the mall has a few more things than just dealing with security.

I found a few more links I would like to share. I hope it helps you if you witness at mall or if you have been kicked out. Thank you for your time and I hope you were encouraged to share your faith as I am sharing mine.. By the way, the picture of the man and young girl holding signs, aren't of me, but or Roger who makes my signs for me. If you desire your own sign, check him out at

Light the darkness

1 comment:

  1. Great post......

    "Light the Darkness"....I like that.

    Keep on,

